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MarTech / AdTech Solutions for Telecom Operators

Case of use
  1. Audience data monetization – ads and marketing
  2. Secure client data onboarding
  3. Omnichannel communications
  4. Online-to-offline conversions
  5. Integrated customer analytics
  1. Significant revenue stream ($ mln)
  2. Improvement of adtech value proposition

Powering Solutions



  • Secure enclaves
    for joint calculations
  • Secure client data onboarding
    and sharing

Partners’ Data & Services

  • Access to the largest retailers, ecommerce, ad,
    and analytical companies
  • Integrated customer analytics


  • Solutions with no data transfer
    to Telecom or third parties


  • Smart contracts
  • User consent management
  • Safe access to all the telecom operator’s tools required for working
    with the client’s data: audience intersection, triggers,
    look-a-like models, personalization, analytics, etc.
    Self / full-service modes
  • Online-to-offline conversions
  • Integrated services for consumer panels and other parties
  • Omnichannel: works
    with any client ID
  • Integrated communication channels for telecom operator’s,
    clients and partners

Key Modules & Components

Single ID

Secure customer ID matching across companies with deterministic
and probabilistic models

Datalabs & Cleanroom

Developing and running models using joint data in a secure environment

Communication Management

Optimizing communications using partners’ data

Customer Loyalty Management

Engaging customers with the use of the enriched knowledge
The Aggregion solution will allow us to unite efforts in search for the most effective methods of working with a joint client base within a framework of absolute security and confidentiality for both commercially significant information and personal data.
At the moment, there aren’t many solutions that enable different companies to combine knowledge about their customers. And for Beeline, development of a system to support its marketing communications is a priority. We hope that our collaboration with Aggregion will allow us to consolidate all market expertise and create a truly effective system for working with data from various partners.
The development of systems that would facilitate interaction with marketing technologies is a priority for Beeline. At the moment, there aren’t many solutions that allow combining the knowledge of different companies about their clients. We hope that this collaboration will make it possible to consolidate all the expertise of the market and create an effective system for working with data from different vendors.
The need for a higher level of data protection and computing privacy is increasing as multilateral business processes, collaboration and transactions move online. Innovative partners, such as Aggregion and AdTech from Beeline Business, which apply the Intel SGX-based privacy computing to their cloud services, are able to provide a new level of protection for the data they use by applying the industry's most tested and common hardware-based privacy computing environment.

Ready to Give Aggregion a Try?

Realize Your Data Collaboration Opportunities
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